Jules Lefèvre's website

Hi and welcome visitors, I'm Jules Lefèvre, a passionate about programming. I very love GNU Emacs and I know a bit of Elisp, I use mainly Emacs for everything, except for the browsing password managing and bureautic parts. My favorite programming language is C++ but I'm also interested in Go and I think I would like to learn it.

On Linux

I like Linux and I use Fedora as my main operating system, I find that UNIX-like OS is the best for programming for me and I like open-source. I use mainly open-sources alternatives, I use them because by nature, I never pay one dollar on Internet and I'm more aware about privacy and security. I recommend for Windows users to use Linux Mint and not Ubuntu because Ubuntu use snaps and had a bad reputation in the past, It's also more focused for company and not very much for perssonal usage. For server, I prefer to use Debian because it's the most classic and stable distribution.

Outside of IT

I live on countryside and I'm proud to be here, when I feel that I need it, I go outside to clear my mind and be more productive.

Contact me

You can contact me with this e-mail:juleslefevrepro65@gmail.com.

Obviously inapropriate or useless messages will be ignored.